Friday, December 31, 2010

Getting Primal for January ~ A Revolution ~ A New Challenge

Are you ready to be healthy and fit the way nature intended? I propose another challenge. A challenge where you get real for 30 days. Lets skip the notion of 80/20 and think of it as 100% primal. If the occasion comes around where it is "eat bad or go hungry", eat a little bad, just as much as you need to comfort your tummy and then go back to 100%.

I have slipped a lot this season becasue there has been a lot of stress in my life and I have taken the simple way out. Sometimes I have been getting prepackaged meals for lack of time and planning. That ends today.

I am taking my measurements, taking pictures, and will be posting them here. Then for the next month, i will post food I cook, my primal fitness, adventures, and what is trying to set me back.

Are you ready to be fit? Join me!! I would love your recipes, your stories, your help. We all need some support.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Paleo Holiday Lessons

For an entire month, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, thousands of Americans knowingly over-eat foods that are bad for them. No I don't just mean on those particular days, but for the entire month. Why? From the day before Thanksgiving, when we bake the pies, until the day after Christmas, when we polish off pies, we have parties, cookies baking, gingerbread house making, and candies on every desk we walk by. We wash all this sugar and flour down with prepackaged hot chocolate and flavored lattes that come from drive-thrus. The more you activate your sweet tooth, the more it demands sweets.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fat Head - You’ve been fed a load of bologna.

Fat Head - You've been fed a load of bologna. Starring, written and directed by Tom Naughton, Fat Head is an eye-opening documentary about why we are really fat. Contrary to the current scientific community, it is not from McDonalds, meat, fat, or a host of other "bad' food that we have been told to avoid

The movie starts out much like many news stories about obesity, overweight people walking around with the cameras intentionally cutting off their heads, as to not embarrass them. Tom then compares himself to the 'obese' population. Tom is obese but he doesn't look like the rolly polly people that the news portrays as 25% of the population. At 5'11" and 206 pounds, Tom is OBESE

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Learning to Ski ~ Try Something New

Exercise is something most people dread. Not me. I love to play and the world is my gym, for the most part. I play games with the kids like 'hide and seek' and dodge ball. I like to find new things to do. I love the slow and steady, like hiking and cross country skiing. I love the fast and furious like karate and laser tag.

Last Sunday I geared up to go skiing for the first time at Shawnee Peak in Bridgton Maine. I called the night before I went. They have a "Learn to Ski" program for those who have never skied before. Brandon answered the phone and gave me the price for people to take the program who have their own skis and a pass, $39. Told me to ask for him when I got there.

It was the most beautiful day for skiing. The sun was shining hard on the slope. As I came up to the group of new skiers and asked for Brandon, I took off my outer most layer of jacket. I was already hot. Brandon radioed up to the instructors to give me a free lesson. Really a sweet thing, especially less than a week before Christmas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pumpkin Paleo Pancakes

I found these "Pancakes" on Paleo-Zone. They are awesome!! I have added some changes of my own.

2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup almond butter
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tablespoon Agave

2 tablespoons chopped pecans - topping
2 tablespoon real maple syrup - topping

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gym or no Gym

A huge part of Primal nutrition is the exercise. It is Move Frequently at a Slow Pace, Lift Heavy Things, Sprint Once in a While. Well It is December in Maine and we have bouts of below freezing, intermittent snow and ice, then maybe a day of 50 degree rain that washes whatever we have away.

Move Frequently at a Slow Pace: Hard to move at any pace but a careful one when there is ice everywhere. The mountains that I hiked a month ago are freezing and icy. The local trails that I walked the dog are deep with cold mud. The roads that I biked are banked with ice, sand and salt, from the plowing from the scarce snow that we have had.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Simple Fish Chowder

Growing up on the seacoast of New England, it was mandatory that you ate chowder. Not the red soup that comes from Manhattan, but the white thick hot chowder that came from steaming pots with a pat of butter melting on top, making the fresh pepper swim around.

Eating primal doesn't mean you miss out on childhood soups, just mean you change things. I am the kind of primal girl that drinks dairy, so if you are not this is not the soup for you. My dairy is the least processed as possible. Usually I head to the farm and have them fill my gallon jugs with milk still warn from the cow.

Friday, December 3, 2010

DIY Larabar Roundup, Make your Own!

According to the  LaraBar Company: Our Food Philosophy: Simple. Pure. Delicious.™ Which is why I love them.

 Nuts and fruit. Which ever bar you choose, those are the ingredients to greatness. No sweeteners, fillers, supplements, flavorings or preservatives. How good is that? Just real food, nothing more.

I thought I would make my own but before I run out and buy a new food processor, i thought I would share the roundup of awesome sites that make these wonderful bars.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Raw Food Diet is not Primal

When I tell people that I eat like your hunter-gather ancestors, I always get a look. 7 times out of 10, they think I am eating raw everything. It is not the same thing. 

Yes I only eat foods that a human can digest in it's raw natural state.

What about chicken? You can't eat that raw.